
Sunday, June 12, 2011

Half way there...

June, the month that signifies half way through a year… time to contemplate if your new year’s revolutions have or are being achieved. It is the month that I am celebrating being half way through my pregnancy. My tummy seems to have grown over night… yay for me, I can’t sleep on my tummy but I can feel the baby so that makes the ongoing heartburn, the tiredness kicking in all the more bearable.

June is also the month my beautiful mom turns 50. This is great milestone, well for the people celebrating… I love and respect my mom and really appreciate her advice. I am lucky that we see each other every day and speak once daily at the week end. Yes world - I am a “Mommy’s Girl”. I guess we don’t want to see our parents’ age they are the ones that will be there forever.  I love you mom.

June is also the month my cousin (who is skinny, clever and thin – vomit) decided that saving money was the order of the day by buying a box of blonde hair dye - the result: once beautiful blonde hair; now blonder down to the tips with orange roots. It is here that I learn put Jensen violet into shampoo instead of directly onto the hair which results in orange roots with blue and purple streaks. The worst part she still looks great – did I mention she had a baby 7 weeks ago… Yes she is annoyingly being so perfect looking like an Japanese hot anime character. Fair enough the look only lasted a day as our hairdresser saved the day.

I leave you with the funniest Facebook status’s I have read so far this month:
‘Facebook Friend’ I wonder if French people think in French I think that would be so irritating…

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