
Saturday, June 18, 2011

Notes to Baby A, from an almost hypochondriac mommy-to-be.

Dear Future Baby A,
You are minus 21 weeks today. Oh, how I remember when you where only minus 4 weeks old (is that right?).  We are just past the halfway mark. Woo-Hoo!
I am writing this letter to tell you that your almost hypochondriac mother has once again been put on bed rest because of cramping and the gynae saying that I have a distressed uterus. I am now stuck in bed for 4 days during winter – this is not necessarily a bad thing but a little disappointing when we have had to sell our rugby tickets and miss seeing all your future aunts and uncles behave in a hilarious drunken manner.
Your dadda to be has something worse than “man-flu” (I can honestly vouch for him feeling so poorly – and it’s not his sickly sighs and groans) He really has been quite good running around to my bed rest needs of food and tea – we really do have ourselves a “keeper”. Bearing in mind I am a model bed-rest patient. I am not demanding, fussy and listen to everything your dadda says.
Your scan shows that you are growing quite nicely 375 grams, your heartbeat is excellent and it looks like you are going to be blessed with your dadda’s legs - nice and long. I feel you move more and more these days and I can’t wait till the day that your dadda can feel you kick.
The above scan is Baby A lazing in the stargazing position and that's the medical term.
Your bedridden parents realize that we have to take these moments of no children and appreciate them, as feeling sorry for ourselves will be down on our list when you arrive. So for now baby – we can’t wait to meet you and see what you look like, now could you just tell us if you are a boy or girl it would help me a lot. I think you need to realize that I ‘google ‘the end of movies I have this insatiable need to know everything - so your uncooperativeness is not helpful in my quest to plan and be all knowing. I guess I shall take it as my first lesson of parenting 101(check).
Baby A's long legs chilling in the womb...

Your drunken aunties just called me to tell me that they aren’t having fun (I apologize for them in advance)…
Love always
me x

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