I am now 32 weeks preggers and baby is about minus 8 weeks old and we are going strong (well almost)
It appears my daughter-to- be has picked up on our family “Drama Queeyness “- throw in some really cute aunties, a jolling granny and a mother overseas – The result is pandemonium…
So where do I start?
Set scene: I sat down for a celebratory cup of tea my chair at the office I sip and enjoy the moment of 7 months 28 weeks (music in the background… matchbox 20’s “look how far we’ve come”)
It is at this moment that Bebe A decides she doesn’t like this and like a broken record the grand illusion of beautiful pregnant Chanaynay went down the toilet with my tea.
Hello 3rd trimester…
Sometime later we head to one of our many scans. It is here we find out Bebe A is breach and has the umbilical cord around her neck – are we worried? Um well… you have just told the 2 most over analyzing worriers ever. We are sent home with instructions of monitoring baby’s movement. Easier said than done when the placenta is at the front of your tummy!
Life continues…. No it doesn’t… my parental units are soaking up the rain on a barge in the UK and that leaves Aunty S and Aunty T in charge and they are so cute, they are scared for us upon hearing the news from the gynae – I do at this point question if it’s the news or my mom they are more scared of. I happily give myself afternoon bed rest to monitor baby’s movements. My gran then decides to go jolling at the local singles club in town with her friend – yes you read right… My Granny!
Granny then gets sick and Aunty S and Aunty T and while they are taking her to the hospital for some doctor time, they try convince me to just pop in to check on Bebe A while they are there (they are quite funny J)
I won’t lie I quite enjoyed my aunts phoning me – I really do love them so much. So Thank you lovely ladies!
Life continues… and then comes crashing down on Friday 11:03am I start feeling ill, my tummy starts cramping I assume its “Braxton hicks contractions” Worried stress mode kicks in… I phone a friend and ask what are Braxton Hicks contractions? What do they feel like? Satisfied with her answer, I then proceed to feel really really yuck. I got to my cousins house for lunch and lay on her couch all the while dying and cursing Braxton. I feel nauseous but of course you still need to eat and feed your baby. Bad Idea! The result was a free trip to the toilet face down, the cramps get worse and so does the vomiting everyone starts worrying (this is what happens when you have a previous history of spotting and miscarriage you don’t take chances) after my mom to the gynae we head to the hospital to monitor baby. (I would like to make note that this always seems to happen around a weekend)
My mom takes me to the maternity ward, the Sisters are lovely, there are no beds so they put me in the birthing room on a very hard bed and strap my tummy up to the monitor to check on baby’s heartbeat and see if there are any contractions. It is now that Bebe A who has been so quite this week (I had been worrying about her movement) decides that she is not going to stop moving so she kicks away while they try and monitor her heartbeat she is gonna be a DJ. My husband rushes to my side like a hero in time to hold a kidney tray as I vomit into it. So my mom and my loving tag team kidney bowls and I silently reflect… Its love all the way baby!