
Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Pregnancy and Peeing

Today I am 18 weeks… I imagined it to be 4 and a half months but when I read websites especially the American ones some say you are officially 5 months… this is really confusing Well Happy 18 week baby!
I would love to be able to tell you if the baby is a boy or girl. I can’t I would love to say that the baby has my lips and daddy’s ears I can’t. We went for a scan on Friday and the already stubborn child of mine does not show face or sex. Next visit a chocolate and sweet fizzy cold drink will be consumed before the scan – bad mother that I willingly put my baby on a sugar high.

 I am trying to not sound ungrateful - hearing the heartbeat was amazing (cue tears and emotionally hormonal pregnant mum-to-be) but I did make my husband stop to buy me food so I could emotionally eat my way out to my disappointment of simply not knowing. My cousin didn’t want to know and I bet you their little boy was sticking his privates out at every scan.

The grannies loved it we did get to see the little bugger’s hands (ah bless) and his back legs as my mom so proudly put it. Walking away from the scan what I can tell is that the baby/snot/pip/bump whatever you would like to name the monster lying on my bladder.

Ok so Baby chilling on your bladder equates to never frequenting so many public toilets in your entire existence. A potential book deal should be in the works as I have become a toilet fundi. In my toilet experiences I will be the one to walk into the cubicle that someone has just had the freshest poo or the one with skid marks ok this subject is crap (hehehe) but I could talk about it for hours. How do you know you need to pee when you are pregnant? You will experience the baby tap dancing on your bladder - sharp uncomfortable pain especially at night bearing in mind you have made a toilet stop only 15min before and what happens is either a gush of wee or more often than not a  pathetic trickle

Last night after dinner, pee check, I was lazing around like Lady Muck when I felt a movement and I thought:
1.       mmh is that a bowel movement (don’t laugh IBS is a serious thing) J
2.        No it must be the baby experiencing hiccups. It was a real flutter it took me a few minutes to realize (please note your brain will turn to mush)
That was the baby’s first movement….  Silly grin stayed with me and my baby daddy for the rest of the night.

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