
Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Statistical Emotions and TimeLines

The saying “67.45% of all statistics are made up on the spot” does not elude me, even the fact that the word gullible has been removed from the dictionary... 
Since Bebe A has made her appearance, not only has; routine, bathing and all daily tasks taken on a new meaning. Baby toys lying everywhere (the baby doesn't even move yet) so besides "stuff" being everywhere my emotions have followed suite.  I thought I was perhaps going through a bout of depression, a bout of Who am I? a bout of insecurity and self hate ? Blahdy blah blah… bearing in mind I tend to lean… OK, more like a gigantic flop towards the melodramatic, but hear me out...the emotions or lack thereof have plagued me and made my drama queen self wait for the best actress in a drama nomination.
Now going back to statistics the average couple has 2.5 children. The average time for these weird emotions to appear after a baby is born is between 4-6 months (apparently it is" text book"... I am a textbook :)). For life to get to a new type of normal you need to wait about 6 months after baby is born.
The average month is made up of 4.2 weeks. Average bedtime is 8:24pm.
What I am getting at is; how long am I allowed to feel like this? I prefer an average so that if anyone tells me to stop feeling sorry for myself I can at least reply in a confidant tone that I have 3.76409 days left.

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