I need to tell you that I love my husband dearly even when he does a silly thing and I can not judge him as I do as well. The story begins with him going to a bachelors party. Yes that is fine, bachelor parties happen and they are a way of life, but that is not my story. He survives the morning white water rafting and finishes with his face on his head. A few drinks later (not that many, he was not off his head yet -as it was early evening), whilst giving directions on his cell phone, he manages to stub his toe on a rock and without even a moment to protect his face fall face down and has a romantic kiss with a boulder. The result, besides me laughing, is a very-sorry-for-himself husband with scratches, black eyes and the doctor confirmed a broken nose. His face was scratched and bruised and so was his ego.
I asked him if the guy were nice to him and his reply was " of course, they said ag shame, sit here, let me see if I can help you" his response was obviously dripping in sarcasm. Guys and Girls are so different aren't they.
The wedding was exactly a week later and he recovered quite nicely, well as nicely as one can! I did what any good wife would do I made sure I was not in many photos with him.
My artistic impression on Kevin's face and I think my drawing makes him looks kinda sweet :) |
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