
Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Winter Highs

Here is my list of winter highs to make me feel more excited at the prospect of Winter

1. The smell of fresh winter mornings
2. Winter Fashions - you get to look stylish and be comfortable (you get to relax your gut for a bit)
3. You get to snuggle even if it's with a hot water bottle... snuggling is nice
4. Gluhwein... yummy yummy yummy - when I was preggers I had some lovely friends who made me the non- alcoholic
 5. Fireplaces - so for those of us who don't have a fireplace I am going to find a fireplace app pronto.

So some of it seems a bit "clutching on straws" but it's worth a try... mmh what else is good about Winter?

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

5 Funny things

5 things that made me giggle this weekend:

1. Playing ten-pin bowling -'"old-school-style", hitting a strike (not really in on the bowling lingo) - can I add there where no kiddy barriers?! but there were mostly all A LOT of gutter balls. The giggle part was developing a bum shake and rolling the ball between my legs backwards - True Story and it worked for my friends as well - somehow the guys weren't that that eager to do it.

2. bowling shoes - need I say more

3. listening to BeBe Daddy change his first poo nappy since Bebe A has been on solids. She ignored the gagging sounds and her Daddy near to tears saying Noooooo! I just lay on the bed enjoying those long few minutes

4. My 8 year old cousin greeting our guy friends with a simple "Jolling with the Boys!" - he is quite a serious 8 year old so it was cute - I promise!

5. Going to a music quiz that was so much fun when you know whats being asked and if you are reading this - you know who that picture was Babara Streisand and not Amy Whinehouse... can I get the pics so post on my blog please. (Shannyn did you get that?)

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Cell phones are dangerous

 I need to tell you that  I love my husband dearly even when he does a silly thing and I can not judge him as I do as well. The story begins with him going to a bachelors party. Yes that is fine, bachelor parties happen and they are a way of life, but that is not my story. He survives the morning white water rafting and finishes with his face on his head. A few drinks later (not that many, he was not off his head yet -as it was early evening), whilst giving directions on his cell phone, he manages to stub his toe on a rock and without even a moment to protect his face fall face down and has a romantic kiss with a boulder. The result, besides me laughing, is a very-sorry-for-himself husband with scratches, black eyes and the doctor confirmed a broken nose. His face was scratched and bruised and so was his ego.
I asked him if the guy were nice to him and his reply was " of course, they said  ag shame, sit here, let me see if I can help you" his response was obviously dripping in sarcasm. Guys and Girls are so different aren't they.

The wedding was exactly a week later and he recovered quite nicely, well as nicely as one can!  I did what any good wife would do I made sure I was not in many photos with him.

My artistic impression on Kevin's face and I think my drawing makes him looks kinda sweet :)

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

When writing this blog, I have to bear in mind that there is a fine line between keeping it real but keeping it a bit tidy. Tidy? yes Tidy? for you uncool fold keeping it Clean...

You see my husband reads my blog, I feel that this puts me in a serious CONUNDRUM*, I therefore have to count to 10 when he annoys me beyond belief, all I want to do is run to the blog and write and let the world know (obviously I have the world following me on the blog), so yes I do want to write about why I am annoyed and why I am RIGHT!...I begrudgingly hold my breath and do not say I thing which is just so boring.

Since having Bebe ,A we have had the problem of trying to find the sexy, sparkly times together and as much as much as you think it won't happen to you, it does! What I mean is the simple things like sending " I love you" messages, or I am thinking of you, even a simple smiley face letting the other person know you are thinking of them, sweet gestures and there really is no excuse as we have so many different mediums available to make this possible. It sounds so simple yet becomes just way too much admin - it shouldn't be admin I know. I think about it and the intentions are there but you have heard the saying "the road to hell is paved in good intentions"

We preserver in finding the time for a coffee and date night but this has brought us to a new adventure of finding fun things to do around Johannesburg so our first place we recently went to on a Sunday Brunch Time was called Bamboo in Melville.

It is a centre with a few stores. Upstairs @ Bamboo is the art gallery a bit tricky with a stroller. After which we shared a sandwich and coffee. I managed to buy some books for Bebe A but due to the spending glee in my eye my husband said "home time" I definitely would go back as there is a toy store opening soon that needs my attention and a few other shops.  What I really want to go back for is their farmers market, I envision myself being posh and getting back to nature.
The address for Bamboo is:
 53 Rustenburg Road Melville,
Farmer Market is each and every Saturday

 OK better go the baby is crying... possibly cos I am late in feeding her. Such a bad mom :)

*word of everyday

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Milestones or guidelines

My not so baby brother graduates from Varsity in the UK. This is very exciting for us all as a family. The excitement is "road-trip" and not the relief that my brother actually passes. Planning has been fun to a degree to think Bebe A is going to be a year old when we travel. Wow I cant even imagine that so many milestones to reach till we get there, sitting, feeding, crawling and so on and so on. I really do try not to wish her little life away especially as, my little hippy child is pretty chilled at reaching her milestones.

I personally think milestones can be a stressful for a mommy. I do use it as a guideline and find it quite useful, but I will not get stressed about it (and boy can I get stressed), as one of my friends recently told me the kids all get to where they need to be eventually - that "Piece" or should I say "Peace" of advice just made sense.

I cannot believe my baby is going to be 5 months old on Saturday and shoo is she loving the sound of her voice, big conversations are had by anyone willing to even look at her direction. I on the other hand am gearing up to starting the next stage of mommyhood - "feeding the bebe" yes I have a month left but my little one is hungry and that is just on formula.

And in honour of Dr. Seuss's birthday month in March here is a quote

"The more that you read, the more things you will know.
The more that you learn, the more places you'll go."
- Dr. Seuss

Monday, February 13, 2012

To Vajazzle or Not To Vajazzle - Monday Madness

I received an email from my friend whose name I can't mention - Clue (her name rhymes with Kerry Coats) it was all about the vajazzle...

For those of you who do not know what The Vajazzle is all about the definition  is as follows:
extracted from the: 
Chanaynay Dictionary
v.decorating your mini-ha ha/private parts with crystals and jewels aka to bedazzle your ....

Tuesday is Valentines Days day, the thought did dawn on me to take the Vajazzel plunge... It is a leap year after all...  Unfortunately with the red bar code still prominent on my belly and my c-scar still bright pink, I thought it would best to leap or steer away from the Vajazzel vajazzelness as it won't be so not sexy right now... Ladies, I am not over exaggerating, my bar code is so bad I can not walk past a till without a scanner going haywire. 
Not sure how to celebrate Valentine's... try Vajazzel
and to your partner I will simply say "Pleasure"...

As for me, next year I am gonna shine!

The details for whomever is interested is as follows:
Zulfah Mohamed (Bayat) Director
Contact no:082 675 8031 OR 011 472 8508 Email:

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Statistical Emotions and TimeLines

The saying “67.45% of all statistics are made up on the spot” does not elude me, even the fact that the word gullible has been removed from the dictionary... 
Since Bebe A has made her appearance, not only has; routine, bathing and all daily tasks taken on a new meaning. Baby toys lying everywhere (the baby doesn't even move yet) so besides "stuff" being everywhere my emotions have followed suite.  I thought I was perhaps going through a bout of depression, a bout of Who am I? a bout of insecurity and self hate ? Blahdy blah blah… bearing in mind I tend to lean… OK, more like a gigantic flop towards the melodramatic, but hear me out...the emotions or lack thereof have plagued me and made my drama queen self wait for the best actress in a drama nomination.
Now going back to statistics the average couple has 2.5 children. The average time for these weird emotions to appear after a baby is born is between 4-6 months (apparently it is" text book"... I am a textbook :)). For life to get to a new type of normal you need to wait about 6 months after baby is born.
The average month is made up of 4.2 weeks. Average bedtime is 8:24pm.
What I am getting at is; how long am I allowed to feel like this? I prefer an average so that if anyone tells me to stop feeling sorry for myself I can at least reply in a confidant tone that I have 3.76409 days left.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

a bit of this and that

This weekend was great, my husband didn't work the WHOLE of Saturday... Yay!

We got to catch up with a dear friend who has been diagnosed with Breast Cancer at 32 years of age. She seems to be doing well. You are in our thoughts Keri, besides you are now Keri Born-a-hero so we know that you will kick the Big C's butt in no time. I do ask that when Keri goes for her next chemo you all say a prayer and wear pink (I will post the date shortly)

On a lighter or should I say on a weirder note.  
True Story Moment -Later Saturday afternoon, there I was chatting, chilling and enjoy life as Bebe A lay on the blanket next to me pretty much doing the same thing. A guy walks up to me and girl friends and says "oh how old is your baby?" I respond in a proud mama voice "3 months".
"Is she obedient?"
I reply "Well when I leave her somewhere she is there when I get back"
I then give myself a firm talking to "be nice"
The weirder note is when he asks quite loudly "Are you breastfeeding?"
Unfortunately no quick witty responses from me this time.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Token Team Player for Rent and Im free

It all started with a phone call. On old friend of mine - by old I mean I have just known her forever - calls and asks if I want to play indoor volleyball. Without thinking I say sure.
This doesn't sound bad right? wrong! I haven't participated in any team sports for 1 year and 7 months, for some people (those who have actual ball sense) going out onto a sports field is a boring day in front of the TV.

There I was, breaking into a sweat (okay that isn't abnormal but I prefer to say I glow instead of sweat), my stomach literally goes into knots and I feel nauseous.

The reason for this breakdown in my Psyche is simple. I do not have coordination, it is that simple. Ball sense is as foreign to me as an English fly landing in French soup. I was that Kid at school - the Kid who was picked last at games. I tried, I really did. #insert sad music here please. When I played softball my position was "right out" this is a real position.

Getting back to my story, by the end of the day I was feeling sick, my nerves where finished. In case you thought I was over exagerating at my ball skills or lack thereof my "lovely" old friend tells the other newby's who are helping out her team not to worry cos I am playing.

When it gets to my turn to serve the ball no matter where I stand behind the line, the ball manages to deflect to the right in a banana-shaped way. When it came to playing, one of the most memorable moments was when the ball came straight at me and somehow I managed it to guide it along - straight into my face. How do I do it you may ask, but I am really gifted that way, the way to make an arse of myself. At this point in my "feel-good-Hollywood-movie" the underdog/token player saves the day sadly I am more of a Reality Show person.  I actually did manage to touch the ball and even get it over the net, the rest of the game was relatively drama free but filled with so much laughing.

What a jol.

I really don't mind being the fill in player so feel free to ask me to help out when you are a player short I love to try new things. That's how I roll.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Bathing & Talking S$#@!

I have been reflecting back on my first 3 months of motherhood and what a journey it has been...

One of our favourite times during Bebe A's day is Bath time, such a special bonding time and it is especially great when by the end of the day your baby is in serious "sensory overload" (thank you to all the books I read I now sound like a right "mommy-know-it-all") So sensory overload is when your baby and you have just had too much *(ok you both are crying)... Bath time is filled with singing and chatting and such cute happy moments.

I have learnt the following though when it comes to bathing your baby:
    Baby Pooh
  • Do not have a bath with Baby if there is no one at home to take baby from you when you are ready to get out. I resolved this by having to put baby on the floor and then getting out. I had a towel on the floor so do not judge and do not judge me for not having abs - you try getting out the bath without the use of your hands. Bath time was still a success, I believe anyway.

Second attempt at bathing with baby went as follows:
  • Dad home to take baby from you once baby was bathed (tick).
  • Whilst bathing Bebe, I look ahead and say to Baby "didnt daddy clean the bath before he ran our bath" a few seconds later still contemplating why there could be floating bits in the bath,  I look down and yes you better believe it, Bebe A had a nice green/yellow pooh on my lap... At this point as previously mentioned it is difficult to just jump out the bath - so what do I do, I yell for my husband in my most loudest, quietiest yelling voice (can't scare baby you know?). As luck would have it he is on a very important business call so there we wait until Dada A finally makes his appearance.

Does my obsession with my Baby's pooh end there? -NO!
I have to mentally try not disect (verbally) every Poo that Miss Bebe A has to anyone - getting a personality after Bebe is a whole other conversation.
But if someone could answer this? Why does Bebe have to make a poo just after I have changed her nappy?

Wednesday, January 4, 2012


Hello can anyone hear me?
Yes I am alive and almost awake... there really is a difference between lack of sleep due to jolling and boozing and the lack of sleep due to new baby

The days have been filled with sterilizing bottles and changing nappies and sterilizing bottles and changing nappies...

Happy New Years Everyone - I would like to make a toast to you "May all your dreams and goals be a reality"... So I am asking really nice *insert sweet, imploring voice* Please let me know what you would like to achieve in 2012 from big to small... I need the inspiration...

I will start
1) Sleep... zzzzzzzzz